Course Details:
    8 Week Mindfulness Course
    Tuesday 23/30th Jan, 6/20/27th Feb, 6/13/20th March 2018
    7.15pm-8.45pm in the Multi Purpose Room Prep School
    Full day at 1St Wooburn Scout Hut, Watery Lane, HP10 0NE (10am-4.00pm) on Saturday 17th March 2018

    Your Details:

    Name (required)

    Telephone (required)

    Email (required)



    Year of Birth



    Course Cost: £215

    Full Payment is required at time of booking to secure your place.

    Bank transfer (payable to: Co-operative Bank A/c 12306145 S/c 089103).
    Please ensure you put your name and BERKO in the reference box so your payment can be identified.

    Health Questionnaire:

    To help me guide you on this course, please complete this health questionnaire. The information you give is strictly confidential and will only be seen by the course facilitator. If brought to the facilitator’s supervision, it will done so anonymously. No information is held long term on any data base and all forms will be destroyed after the course.

    If you have any physical illness or other limitation that may make sitting, standing, walking or doing simple exercise difficult, please tell me about it here:

    If you have had any mental ill health within the last few years, such as anxiety or depression, please tell me about it here:

    If you are taking any medication at present please say what it is and what it is for:

    If you are going through any significant life events at the moment please briefly say what they are (eg. moving home, loss of job, relationship issues or divorce, bereavement)

    If you have had any previous experience of mindfulness of meditation please tell me about it here:

    Please tell me about your reasons for booking onto this course:

    Booking Conditions:

    The following proportion of your fee, less a £20 admin charge, will be refundable if you cancel your place on the course:

    Up to 2 months before the start date: 100%

    Less than 4 weeks before the start date no refund will be made.

    The facilitator reserves the right to cancel the course under any circumstances. Should this be the case you will receive a full refund.

    I understand that in some cases, for unforeseen reasons, participants cannot avoid missing a session of the course. It is not possible to make up missed sessions by transferring to another course at a later date or to receive a refund if you do not complete the course. It is also not possible to join the course if you are unable to attend the first session of the course in full.



    If you have any queries about this form, or the course, please contact Gayle Creasey on 07941 279177

    By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website.