Mindfulness Resources
The following teachers have websites with blogs, talks and guided meditations that you can access easily:
Tara Brach, Jack Kornfield, Joseph Goldstein, Rick Hanson, Sharon Salzberg.
Book List:
Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Finding Peace in a Frantic World
Mark Williams & Danny Penny
The Mindful Way Through Depression
Williams, Teasdale, Segal, Kabat Zinn
The Mindful Way Workbook
Teasdale, Williams, Segal
Full Catastrophe Living
Jon Kabat Zinn
Start Where You Are
Pema Chodron
The Places That Scare You
Pema Chodron
The Wisdom of No Escape
Pema Chodron
A Path With Heart
Jack Kornfield
The Wise Heart
Jack Kornfield
After The Ecstasy, The Laundry
Jack Kornfield
Seeking The Heart of Wisdom
Jack Kornfield & Joseph Goldstein
Awakening The Heart
John Welwood
Hardwiring Happiness
Rick Hanson
Buddha’s Brain: Happiness, Love & Wisdom
Rick Hanson
Being Peace
Thich Nhat Hanh
Thoughts Without A Thinker
Mark Epstein
The Power of Now
Eckhart Tolle
Self-Compassion Resources
Book List:
The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion
Christopher Germer
Self-Compassion: stop beating yourself up and leave insecurity behind
Kristin Neff
Radical Acceptance
Tara Brach
True Refuge
Tara Brach
Loving Kindness: The Revolutionary Art of Happiness
Sharon Salzberg
A Heart as Wide as the World
Sharon Salzberg
Living with your Heart Wide Open
Steve Flowers & Bob Stahl
Mindful Compassion
Paul Gilbert & Choden
A Fearless Heart: why compassion is the key to greater well-being
Thupten Jinpa
Mindfulness for Children Resources
Book List:
The Whole Brain Child
Daniel Siegel
The Mindful Child
Susan Kaiser Greenland
Sitting Still Like A Frog
Eline Snel
Calm Kids: help children relax with mindful activities
Lorraine E Murray
Other Resources
Food For The Heart
Ajan Chah
Shambala: Sacred Path of the Warrier
Chogyam Trungpa
No Boundary
Ken Wilbur
Grace & Grit
Ken Wilbur
The Three Marriages
David Whyte
The Passionate Marriage
David Schnarch
Open to Desire
Mark Epstein