Mindfulness for Emotional Well Being Course

“This course has literally changed my life – I wish I had done it years ago!  Anxiety doesn’t grip me and knock me over like it used to”

“Before the course, if I was having a bad day it affected everything – now I can just notice it and make the most of the day anyway”

“I feel mindfulness has opened a door from which the possibilities seem endless “

“I appreciate the small things, pleasant things in my life much more”

“The course has enabled me to recognise and release patterns of thinking which are unhelpful – to be more centred and less pulled by my thoughts.”

“I am going away with so much more than I could have hoped for”

“I now have coping mechanisms for difficult times and I realise my mind is no different to anyone elses” 

Mindful Self Compassion Course

“This course has been a watershed in my life – it has been profoundly life changing”

“I am way kinder to myself.  When I make a mistake it’s more ‘oh dear’ rather than ‘you idiot'”

“I highly recommend this course – Gayle is a very skilled and compassionate facilitator”

“It has been a revelation to realise I can be a friend to myself, to accept myself flaws and all”

“I am gentler with myself and gentler with others”

“I really appreciated Gayle’s depth of understanding and ability to allow space for each individual’s reflections and questions”

“A life changing course – well structured, excellent content and I feel committed to making it part of my daily life”