An 8 week mindfulness course teaches you simple, practical skills which enable you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings so that in any situation, including challenging ones, you can choose how to respond rather than being pulled into unhelpful stress reactions.

Learning mindfulness skills will enable you to steady and calm yourself, regain a broader perspective and make better choices in moments when you are stressed, anxious or frustrated and might ordinarily react in ways that make the situation worse.

Rather than feeling taken over by frustration or worrying thoughts, mindfulness provides a structured way to create a pause and to calm yourself.  This can have a profoundly positive impact on how you behave, perform at work and feel about yourself.

Please listen to the free downloads and sample a moment or two or mindfulness for yourself.

Why Mindfulness?

People attending mindfulness courses report lasting benefits such as:

•  More energy

•  A greater capacity for joy and happiness

•  A quieter, calmer, more focused mind

•  An increased ability to relax and sleep well

•  More self confidence

•  An increased ability to handle stressful thoughts, feelings and situations

Change the way you relate to all of your experiences:

By learning to pause, step back and see your situation more clearly mindfulness allows you to fully appreciate the positive and joyful events in your life and to make wiser, more supportive choices in times of difficulty.

Bringing moment-to-moment awareness to your pain, anxiety, stress, obsessions or worries helps you to cope more effectively, to step beyond them and to live life more fully.

Mindfulness is not:

A relaxation technique, or about making the mind go blank or suppressing unpleasant thoughts or emotions.  It is not about achieving a particular state or outcome.  It is about learning the skills to meet your life the way it is.

While the mindfulness practices and skills which are learnt on the course have their origins in Buddhist meditation, they are now taught in a secular way.  Mindfulness approaches have been recommended by the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) due to the growing body of scientific evidence which supports their effectiveness in working with stress, anxiety and depression and promoting well-being.